UP board english class 12 question answers
Up board ncert English book class 12 pdf, दोस्तों आज हम the third level question answer के प्रश्नों का उत्तर आपके साथ साझा करने वाले हैं।
जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं कि upmsp द्वारा up board के english book को ncert से जोड़ दिया गया है। जिसमें exam oriented question दिए गए हैं। आज हम the third level exam oriented question के उत्तर को देखने वाले हैं।
Lesson-1 ( the third level )
Exam oriented question
परीक्षा उपयोगी प्रश्न
Short answer type questions______________
Answer the following questions in not more than 30-40 words each:
1. What was the third level? Where was it situated?
तृतीय लेवल क्या था? वह कहां पर स्थित था?
Ans. The third level refers to the subway of the grand Central station in New York. Though this third level was not present there physically, but Charley(Noun) claimed it to be present there. The third level was at grand Central station in New York.
2. Who was psychiartist? What did he tell about the third level?
मनोचिकित्सक कौन था? उसने तीसरे स्तर के बारे में क्या बताया?
Ans. Sam was Charley's psychiartist friend. He had believed that charley had got the whims of third level as of waking dream wish fulfillment. He had been only day dreaming. Side by side he revealed that the third level was still there. In reality Charley was upset from his dull life.
3. What about his grandfather did Charley tell to his friend?
चार्ली ने अपने मित्र को अपने दादा के बारे में क्या बताया?
Ans. Charley said that his grandfather lived in nice peaceful times, yet he was the one who had started the stamp collection. He did not need any temporary refuge from reality.
4. How did Charley enter in the third level?
चार्ली ने तीसरे अस्तर में कैसे प्रवेश किया?
Ans. Charley had been late at his office. He desire to reach home early. So he went to grand Central to catch a suburban train. He was lost in a corridor (गलियारा). He thought it was a second level (स्तर). But he had reached the third level.
5. Why did Charley think that grand Central was growing like a tree, pushing out new corridors and staircases like roots?
चांदनी ने क्यों सोचा कि ग्रैंड सेंट्रल एक पेड़ की तरफ बढ़ रहा था, नए गलियारों और सीढियो को जड़ की तरह बढ़ाते हुए?
Ans. Charley always found a new tunnels and staircases(सीढिया) at the grand Central. He began to suspect(संदेह) that grand Central was like a huge tree. It pushed out in new corridor and tunnels like roots of a tree.
6. What did Charley find when entered to the third level?
चार्ली ने जब तीसरे स्तर पर प्रवेश किया तो क्या पाया?
Ans. At the third level, Charley saw the people wearing old fashion dress, an old locomotive, newspaper dated June 11,1894,brass spittoons, flickering gas flames light and many other things related to that century.
7. What did Charley do to make sure that he was on the third level?
यह पक्का करने के लिए कि वह तीसरे स्तर पर था चार्ली ने क्या किया?
Ans. Charley went to news stand. He saw stack of newspapers. It was ‘the world’ which was not published any longer. The lead story was about the President Cleveland. Later, he discovered in the public library files that it was printed on June 11, 1894.
8. What information about Galesburg, Illinois is given in the text?
अध्याय में गैलिसबर्ग,इलिनॉइस के बारे में क्या जानकारी दी गई है?
Ans. Charley describe it as a wonderful town with a leisurely way of life with big old frame houses, huge lawns, tremendous tress and a peaceful tranquil world. During summer evenings people sat in their lawns, with men smoking cigars and women waving palm leaf fans. The first world war was twenty years away and the second world war was forty years into the future.
9. What happened with Charley at the ticket window?
टिकट की खिड़की पर चार्ली के साथ क्या हुआ था?
Ans. Charley went to the ticket counter for two tickets to Galesburg. He paid the currency of the present world which was totally different from 1890 world. On seeing the big notes, the clerk got stunned and he thought that Charley was trying to skin him. He threatened to get him arrested.
10. Did Charley find the corridor at grand Central station again? Why or why not?
क्या चार्ली को ग्रैंड सेंट्रल स्टेशन पार्क गलियारा दुबारा मिला? क्यों अथवा क्यों नहीं?
Ans. He tried his best to find the corridor that led to the third level at the grand Central station but he never found it. Since the third level is just a medium for escape. So Charley is not only e lingering but has also entered into the world of fantasy and romance. Hence, he would not be able to reach there.
11. Who was Sam wiener? Where was he disappeared and why?
सैम विनर कौन था? वह कहां गायब हो गया था और क्यों?
Ans. Sam Weiner was a psychologist friend of Charley. Charley's friend Sam disappeared all of a sudden without a trace but Charley could make a guess because he knew that Sam liked Galesburg very much. He becomes your of it when he found and envelope mailed by Sam to his grandfather at his home in Galesburg. From the stamp and coin store Charley gets to know that Sam had bought old-style currency worth $800. This money was sufficient to set him up in a little hay, feed and grain business in Galesburg.
12. What was 'stamp collection'? How was it related to Charley.
स्टैंप कलेक्शन क्या था? उसका चार्ली से कैसे संबंध था?
Ans. When a new stamp is issued, stamp collectors buy some and use them to mail envelopes to themselves on the very first day of sale; and the postmark proves the date. The stamp collection is the link which joins the past and presents in the story. This collection was passed on to Charley from his grandfather.
13. What did Sam write in his letter to Charley?
सैम ने पत्र में चार्ली को क्या लिखा?
Ans. Sam's letter to Charley process that Sam has found and they reached to the third level. He is staying there in Galesburg since last two weeks and watching various activities and explains to Chaley. He invites both Charley and his wife Louisa and motivate them, to continue their search of the third level. So, we can say that Sam was also a victim of worldly worries and seeking the escapement, like Charley.
14. Why did Sam bought all currency for $800? What did he do with it?
सैम ने $800 की पुरानी मुद्रा क्यों खरीदी? उसने उसका क्या किया?
Ans. Charley got to know that Sam had bought 800 dollars worth of old currency. Sam had already gone there in 1894 Galesburg. Charley hoped d
Sam would set up a hay and feed business in old Galesburg
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