Lost spring question answer, Rajiv english Class 12 question answers,up board english class 12 exam oriented question

 दोस्तों आज हम Lost Spring question answer. को देखने वाले हैं। english class 12 exam oriented question. जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं।UPMSP द्वारा अंग्रेजी पुस्तक को NCERT से जोड़ दिया गया है।



                  Lost spring

Rajiv english class 12 question answers

Up board english class 12 question answers

Class 12 english exam oriented question

परीक्षा उपयोगी प्रश्नो का उत्तर निम्नलिखित दिया गया है-

(A) Explanation

Explain with reference to the context of the following passage :

निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को की संदर्भ सहित व्याख्या कीजिए।

1. After months of............... each of them.

Reference : this passage has been taken from the chapter ‘Lost Spring’ written by ‘Anees Jung’.

Context : in this passage, author tells about the meaning of Saheb's name and about the recognition.

Explanation : the author is telling in this passage that he knows the boys Sahe“Saheb-e-Alam.’ for many days and then she asked his name and she finds it, Sahib is an illiterate and young bye and he does not know the meaning of his name. The author imagines that if Saheb would know the meaning of his name-Lord of the universe, he would not be able to believe it. He is totally unaware, unknown of the meaning of his name, he wanders here and there in the streets with his friends. They appear like the morning birds, n army of barefoot boys and disappear at noon. And as the month passed, Anees Jung started to recognise all of them.

2. My acquaintance................ no longer important.

Reference : उपरोक्त लिखा गया है।

Context :  In this passage the author tells about the geographical establishment of the rag pickers.

Explanation : the author tells that she has been watching those bearfoot ragpickers since last many days and then she reaches to Seemapuri which is place on the periphery of Delhi not so close to it. It is a distance place from Delhi. She finds the squatters there who settled there for their livelihood. They came from Bangladesh in 1971. Author finds that saheb's family also work as ragpickers. Seemapuri was not developed and presently also remain in the same condition but it is found crowded as thousands of squatters started to reside there.

3. I am sometime find.......... Means of survival.

Reference : उपरोक्त लिखा गया है।

Context : In this passage, the author explains about the importance of scrounging in ragpickers life as for elders it is livelihood and for children, it is something wandrous.

Explanation : the author notifies the words of Saheb as he is scrounges because he finds money in the the garbage and some times 10 rupees note. At this Saheb's eyes light up. He compares the coins with silver coins because he is very poor. He adds that the curiosity to search more increased when something is found. So the scrounging continuous. But for parents, it is all livelihood and for children, it is wrapped in wonder. It seems is essential for survival.

4. I will learn to................. land it seems.

Reference : उपरोक्त लिखा गया है।

Context : In this passage the author tells about the Mukesh that he dreams were only for cars and being a member of bangle making family, he finds only bangles everywhere in Firozabad.

Explanation : Mukesh is dedicated to learn to drive a car only. And he is confident about it. This dream seems unfullfield because in Firozabad, there are bangles everywhere and he has no support for any other profession. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in bangles making. Firozabad is India's centre of glass blowing industry. Since last many generation families work around Furnaces, weld glass,and make bangles for the women all over the world.

5. The cry of not................ Ability to dream.

Reference : उपरोक्त लिखा गया है।

Context :  In this passage author tells about the irony that the suppliers of bangles for whole country Raman food list many times.

Explanation :  the author tells that the families engagged in the bangles making are unable to do any other occupation because they have no money. Even they do not have food to eat, only spiral rings are found in every home. The young generation is unable to think anything else as they have to follow the same as elders. Time has not contributed so much for change. Firozabad seems unchangeable even after the years. Due to pressure, lack of money and year's of extreme laborious work around the furnace, no one is found dreaming and thinking anything innovative for future.

(B) Short answer type question______________

Answer the following question in not more than 30 words each:

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लगभग 30 शब्दों में लिखिए।

Lost spring short answer type question 

Rajiv english lost spring short answer type question

1. Why did 'Anees Jung' ask Saheb about the school? what was it impact on Saheb?

अनीस जंग ने साहिब से स्कूल के बारे में क्यों पूछा? इसका साहेब पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा?

Ans. Anees Jung asked Saheb about the school because she wanted to know about the intention of a survey regarding studies. 8 the author"s offer Sahib immediately got ready to join the school, though the author offered him non-seriously.

2. Why did Saheb and other ragpickers not to wear chappals? What excuse did they give for it?

साहेब और दूसरे कूड़ा बीनने वाले चप्पल क्यों नहीं पहने थे? इसके लिए उन्होंने क्या करा दिया?

Ans. Sahib and other speakers did not wear chappals because it's their tradition to wander barefoot and they did not like to wear also. They Ishq use that their mother did not give them from the shelf.

3. How many rag pickers used to live in Seemapuri, Delhi? How did they settled there?

सीमापुरी, दिल्ली में कितने कूड़ा बीनने वाले रहा करते थे? वह वहां कैसे स्थापित हुए?

Ans. In Seemapuri, Delhi, more than 10,000 ragpickers use to live. They have lived there for more than thirty years as they are the squatters who came from Bangladesh in 1971.

4. What was the meaning of garbage for children? What did they find in it?

बच्चों के लिए पुणे का क्या मतलब था? उसमें उन्हें क्या मिलता था?

Ans. For children, garbage was wrapped in wonder. In it, they song time found rupee, even or 10 rupee note and their for they did not stop scrounging in hope of finding more.

5. Why did Saheb join the job at milk booth? What was he paid for his service?

साहेब ने दूध के दुकान पर नौकरी क्यों की? उसकी सेवा के लिए उसे क्या दिया गया था?

Ans. Saheb joint the milk boot because of poverty. There he was paid 800 rupees and all his meals but he had to work harder and boundedly there because he was no longer his own master.

6. Who was Mukesh? Where did he belong and what was his ambition?

मुकेश कौन था? वह कहां से संबंध रखता था और उसका क्या लक्ष्य था?

Ans. Mukesh was a young boy belonging to the bangle making family from Firozabad. His ambition was different from his family as he wanted to become a  motor mechanic.

7. Why did Mukesh volunteer to take the narrator home? Who were there in the home?

मुकेश ने कहानीकार को घर ले जाने के लिए क्यों नेतृत्व किया? वहां पर घर में कौन थे?

Ans. Mukesh volunteered to take the narrator to his home because his house was being rebuilt and he wanted to show it to her. In the home, there were many members as Mukesh's elder brother,his ( brother's) wife,Mukesh's father, grandmother and few animals.

8. “It is his Karam, his destiny.” who said this and why?

“यह उसका कर्म है, उसका भाग्य।” यह किसने और क्यों कहा?

Ans. “It is his Karam, his destiny." Mukesh's grandmother said this because who has watched the her own husband go blind with the dust from polishing the glass of bangles. She said that a god given lineage can never be broken.

9. What does the bangles symbolize? What is the role of bangle makers of Firozabad?

चूड़ियां किसका प्रतीक है? फिरोजाबाद की चूड़ियां बनाने वालोें की क्या भूमिका है?

Ans. The bangles symbolise and Indian women's suhag. The bangle makers of Firozabad produce the largest quantity of the bangles in the country and export bangles to all over the world.

10. Why could the bangle makers not organise themselves into a co-operative? What do they face if they do so? 

चूड़ियां बनाने वाले अपने आप को सहकारी के रूप में क्यों व्यवस्थित नहीं कर पाते? यदि वे ऐसा करते हैं तो वह किस का सामना करते हैं?

Ans. The bangle makers could not organised themselves into or co-operative because if they do so, they are hauled up by the police, beaten and dragged to jail. Deface the middlemen,police and other selfish peoples.

6 टिप्पणियाँ

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