दोस्तों आज हम My Mother Sixty-six question answer के सभी Exam oriented question की उतरो को लिखने वाले हैं। जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं Rajiv english book को upms द्वारा बदल दिया गया है।
Central Idea my mother at sixty six
My mother at sixty six का central Idea kaise likhen
My mother at sixty-six.
2. Why are the young trees described as sprinting?
नौजवान पेड़ों को दौड़ता हुआ क्यों कहा गया है
Ans. Young trees described as sprinting because the poet and her mother was in a moving vehicle and seeing outsideb continuously gives the illusion of sprinting trees.
3. What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?
Ans. The parting words of the poet and her smile signifies that she was absolutely positive that she would meet her mother very sun in the same condition when she returns from abroad.
EXAM ORIENTED QUESTION ( परीक्षा उपयोगी प्रश्न )
(a) Driving from my................that of a corpse.
Reference : these lines have been taken from the poem ‘My mother at sixty-six’ composed by ‘Kamala Das.’
Context : the lions introduced the poet's realisation about her mother.
Explanation : the poet was driving a vehicle, from her parent's home to cochin last Friday morning and during the journey, the poet observed her mother sitting beside her. She was dozing, her mouth was opened, her face was ashen like that of our corpse. Actually, due to old age, the colour of the skins becomes fade gradually, the tenderness and sign of the skin becomes pale, colourless.
(b) and realised with........... That thought away.
Reference : उपरोक्त लिखा गया है।
Context : In this stanza, the poet comes to know about the old age of her mother.
Explanation : when the poet was driving to cochin, during the way, she noticed that her mother had become old. She looked so cold that it could be identified from her face. Hafiz give the complexions of her old age. But the poet felt that those thoughts were not favourable and soon put those thoughts away from her tu make herself positive.
(c) and looked out.............. Looked again at her.
Reference : उपरोक्त लिखा गया है।
Context : In thes lines the poet talks about the motion of trees and children and the happening at airport.
Explanation : the poet during the journey to cochin, to put her negative thoughts away, looked outside where she observed the trees which were sprinting in poet's poetic language but actually it was an illusion and in the moving vehicle, everything outside looks moving, the poet observed the children spilling out of their homes, actually they were too happy to come out for playing. And then whe they reached airport, they had to pass the regular routined security check, thereafter that security check, the poet was standing a few yards few steps away from her mother and then again looked at her mother to notice her expressions.
(d) wan, pale as a............. Smile and smile.
Reference : उपर्युक्त लिखा गया है।
Context : in this stanza, the poet compares her mother and describe the parting moment with her mother.
Explanation : the poet found her mother colourless and yellowish. Her reddishness, the charm and glow of the face become dull and it was due to old age. The poet compare these impression with let winter's moon, the setting moon. And immediately she felt her old familiar ache, the pain she was having in her heart since childhood, her childhood fear of Lawson her mother sometime, a terror in her heart of separation with her mother but positively she said to her mother that she would soon see her mother, her amma and at the time of parting, the poet did only one thing, that was she smiled and smiled and only smiled which shows the positive approach towards life.
2. Give the central idea of the poem ‘my mother at sixty six.’
Central idea : the poem starts with the journey of the poet with her mother to cochin on the morning of last Friday. The poet noticed her mother sitting beside her, who was dozing and open-mouthed and her face wash colourless like ashen and corpse. At that, the poet realise that her mother had grew old but soon separated those thoughts. And outside, there seemed young green trees, enjoying children. The reached airport and standing for look at her mother, found wan, colourless like winter's moon and old pains and childhood fear returned but the poet said to meet soon and while parting continuously smiled.